Thank You!

We fought a good fight, and I want to say thank you. So many people have helped me in this campaign and over the years; they love this state and I love them. I want to thank you for your help and support throughout this campaign. Also, I want to congratulate Tommy Tuberville on his victory. He is our Republican nominee. We must all stand behind him in November.

Mary and I have had an incredible adventure – we were present at the creation of the modern Republican party of Alabama. When we started, there were only two Republican members in the entire Alabama Legislature. The “Good Ole Boy Network” began to crumble in the face of Republican advancement of honest and efficient public policies. Now, every state-wide elected official in Alabama is a Republican, except one.

Ours is a state of honorable, decent, conservative, Republican people. Doug Jones is on the other side, he’s a foot soldier in the ambitious army of Chuck Schumer. And Doug Jones would make Schumer the majority leader of the US Senate. Plain and simple, Doug Jones cannot use Alabama as a platform to advance such an agenda. The stakes are extremely high.

The Republican Party must defend the real interests of the American worker, and not be co-opted by special interests on trade, immigration, and China. If we fail to do that, we will fail as a Party.

I could not have done it without the loving support of my family – my wife Mary, my daughters Mary Abigail and Ruth, and my son Sam, and all of my ten grandchildren. I am eternally grateful for your sacrifices and support.

Let me say this about the President and our relationship. I leave with no regrets. I was honored to serve the people of Alabama in the Senate and I am extraordinarily proud of our accomplishments as Attorney General. I’ve done my best to do the right thing, regardless of the consequences.

Although this chapter is closed, we all must continue to stand up for what’s right – in the right way. Alabama is worth fighting for, and America is worth fighting for.

Jeff Sessions

“I’ve Battled Liberals All My Life. Let’s Go!”

Our freedoms have never been under attack like they are today. We have major party candidates for President campaigning on socialism, confiscating firearms, and closing down churches they disagree with. I’ve battled these forces my entire life, and I’m not about to surrender now.

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